‘For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat,  I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, …  Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least  of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’  ~ Matthew 25:35, 40 

Meals for the Local Homeless


“Gracemeals with Faith” mission volunteers are focusing on two areas of need in our local community: 

  • Meals-to-Go: We are working together with the Christian Caring Center (CCC) in Browns Mills in their outreach to the homeless nearby. Gracemeals with Faith volunteers are preparing freshly made, individual salads each week in the church kitchen. These are delivered to the CCC in time for their lunch run to the area woods where a number of homeless individuals are living. Each salad, along with a healthy protein bar also made in Faith’s kitchen, are packaged in a biodegradable container and ready for distribution by the CCC to those in need the same day. 
    Salads are assembled each Wednesday during the summer at 9 am and ready for delivery to the CCC around 10 am. Volunteers are always needed to make and deliver salads on Wednesday morning. Protein bars are made every few weeks and can accommodate different schedules.
  • Dinner Meals: We are also coordinating with area churches that are hosting homeless families as part of the Interfaith Hospitality Network of Burlington County. Each church hosts once a quarter for one week at a time, and Gracemeals with Faith volunteers are using Faith’s kitchen to prepare a dinner meal during their stay. There are additional opportunities such as serving the meals, helping school age kids with homework and playing with the young ones.

View pictures and more about all of our missions on our Facebook page.


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